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Successful Venture Scaling Learning 2: Strategy

Discover how strategic planning is not merely about foresight but involves the integration and alignment of every business function.
May 2, 2024
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Chief Operating Officer

Successful Venture Scaling – The Learning Series

While the success of corporate venture building is undeniable, a significant gap remains in guiding founders through the critical scaling stage. Recognising this, we have crafted a unique framework for venture scaling, distilled into an accessible and comprehensive book. This resource encapsulates decades of expertise in both corporate and independent venture building, offering a straightforward approach to scaling ventures alongside insights into all relevant business dimensions for scaling success.In a bid to share this knowledge widely, we're launching a series of more than 50 mini-blogs, each spotlighting a specific sub-dimension of these business dimensions. Whether you're seeking the full breadth of our scaling framework or wish to engage our experts directly, this series—and the book it draws from—provides the guidance you need for successful venture scaling.

Introduction to the Strategy Dimension

The first scaling framework dimension is strategy. This dimension sums up everything that gives your venture a longer-term perspective. Starting from the vision and leading to investor relations, the subdimensions of strategy are often the venture founders’ responsibility. The topics in this chapter are unique; they are the only topics that must be known throughout your entire venture, from the beginning of the building phase to long after the scaling phase. They give direction and can unify your venture if prepared and communicated correctly. Make sure you plan for that communication part, maybe more than once. Your employees must understand the common goal everyone is working for.

The blogs in this dimension are:

  1. Vision and Mission
  2. Strategy
  3. Value Proposition
  4. Market and Competition
  5. Business Model
  6. Business Plan
  7. Investor Relations

Introduction to Strategy

As we initiate our detailed exploration into the scaling framework dimensions with Strategy, it's essential to understand its overarching role in providing a long-term perspective for your venture. From setting a vision that guides your organizational trajectory to developing robust strategies that interact with various aspects of the business environment, including market dynamics and investor relations, Strategy forms the backbone of your scaling endeavors. This chapter delves deep into how strategic planning is not merely about foresight but involves the integration and alignment of every business function to achieve coherent growth and scalability.


Strategies are a series of approaches for using the mission to achieve your venture’s vision. Once a vision and mission are in place, it's time to detail the next moves. What main pillars must you build to achieve your vision? For instance, Wikipedia's strategy would describe how they plan to build the platform, generate user-generated knowledge content, ensure its accuracy, and provide worldwide access via multi-language automated translations.

A well-structured strategy considers your market, customers, and competition. It might also involve third parties such as suppliers if necessary. Your scaling will need a strategy of its own, marking a significant milestone towards achieving your vision. It involves formulating sub-goals and approaches to reach them, with the scaling framework's prioritization and implementation setup steps serving as a good starting point.

Involve everyone in the company, future staff members, and departments in formulating your strategy. Aim for a strategy that spans at least three to five years, with detailed plans for the upcoming year. Ensure alignment with your investing corporate to guarantee that your strategy complements theirs.

Key Questions for Strategic Assessment:

  1. Have we formulated a strategy in written form?
  2. Is the strategy known and understood throughout our venture?
  3. Does it align with the investing corporate's expectations and strategy?
  4. What is the defined time horizon of our strategy?
  5. Do we have a detailed strategy for the next year involving the entire venture?
  6. Is the strategy in sync with our revenue, profit, and cash flow planning?
  7. How well does our strategy align with our core values?

Next Up

Strategic planning is an ongoing process that requires continuous evaluation and adaptation. As your venture evolves, so too should your strategy, ensuring it remains relevant and effective in the face of new challenges and opportunities. For ventures seeking to refine their strategic direction or in need of expert guidance, our team of seasoned professionals is here to help. Reach out to explore how we can support your venture's strategic development and scaling efforts.Stay tuned for our next piece in this series, where we will explore another critical dimension of venture scaling, arming you with the insights and tools needed to navigate the complex landscape of corporate venture building successfully.

This excerpt is one of many becoming available on our website. Explore our Insights to access more lessons from the book, and follow Kilian on LinkedIn as he shares his knowledge and learnings from his time leading startups successfully through the first years of scaling.

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